Künstlerhäuser Worpswede

In past decades the museum landscape of Worpswede had developed as a group of parallel but different institutions, usually established on the basis of a private initiative.
From 2007 to 2012, the Worpswede museums Barkenhoff, Grosse Kunstschau, Haus im Schluh and Worpsweder Kunsthalle, which had hitherto operated independently of one another, took advantage of a unique opportunity to reinvent themselves in a common effort.
The »Masterplan Worpswede«, a large-scale project supported by millions in EU funding, has made it possible to carry out an extensive renovation and enlargement of the museum buildings. In addition, the four main museums of the artists' village joined forces to establish the »Worpswede Museum Association« and drafted a common theme-based concept.
During the summer, the museums hold exhibitions based on a common theme which appeal to a wide audience and attract new visitors to discover the art of Worpswede. The autumn exhibition series, called »Worpswede contemporary«, highlights contemporary art. By featuring surprising artistic impulses from the local as well as international art scenes, it opens up new perspectives in the history of art in Worpswede. Finally, the individual theme-based exhibitions presented in the four museums in winter and spring provide in-depth insights into the diverse creative universe of the artists' village.
