Juliao Sarmento // La Chose, Même

The publication La Chose, Même is a tribute to the first Julião Sarmento (°1948) panorama held at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Paris, curated by Ami Barak. Julião Sarmento is one of the most notable members and instigators of a wave of Portuguese artists emerging in the wake of the democratic regime in Portugal. Because of his assertive participation in post-war artistic reflections and because of the certainty and consistency of his discourse, Sarmento’s work was rapidly appreciated by the interna- tional art scene; resulting in group and solo shows and representations in major galleries throughout the world. La Chose, Même is a generous collection of Sarmento’s photographs, drawings, sculptures, videos and performances.

Contributors: Ami Barak, Mara Ambrožic
116 pages
22cm × 28cm
Format: Paperback
Language: EnglishFrench
ISBN: 9789492321190
29,00 €
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